A Call to the Eucharist Reflection for St. Anthony de Padua Catholic Parish Lenten Mission
The Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, here present in the Tabernacle – right here- is the same Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, as was born in Bethlehem, as was hidden away in Egypt, as was raised by Mary and Joseph in Nazareth. This same Lord,
OurLord Jesus Christ, called the apostles, healed the blind, the lame and the sick.
It is
Hewho called other disciples, forgave sinners, encountered the Pharisees, and taught the crowds.
ThisJesus shared His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity – and His own Priesthood – with His apostles at the Last Supper.
ThisJesus endured unthinkable humiliations, pouring out Himself, and His Life, to the Last Precious Drop during His Passion and, finally, on the Cross. And yes, it is also
ThisJesus, Whose earthly address is 2114 E. Jefferson Blvd, South Bend, -
Thisis the One Who rose, spectacularly, gloriously, and mysteriously, - and Who also reigns from Heaven, and Who is even now, preparing a place . . .
continue reading. Lisa Marino worked at both St. Vincent’s in Elkhart and St. Matthew Cathedral as the Director of RCIA for a total of 27 years. She also has taught middle school religion, has run various adult faith formation programs and has given numerous presentations for missions, retreats, parishes and youth groups. Her specialty is the
Theology of the Body, which she currently presents for the Diocesan Engaged Couples Conferences. Lisa and her husband, Nick, together with their five children (ages 17-6), are parishioners of St. Matthew Cathedral.