Mark your calendars for our Jonah Fish Fry on Friday March 31 from 4-7pm in the school gym!
Tickets are now available for purchase. The final weekend to purchase tickets after Masses will be the weekend of March 25/26. You’ll be able to pay by cash or check.
$15 for Adults (age 11+)
$12 for Seniors (age 65+)
$8 for Children (age 5-10. Children under 5 free.)
$12 for a Donated Ticket (for first responders, the homebound, or anyone you would like to donate a ticket to.)
To purchase tickets during the week, please fill out, cut off, and return the “Fish Fry Ticket Order Form” (attached to the Fish Fry Flyer) by Monday, March 27. As always, you may purchase tickets at the door during the event.
Click the button below to download the Fish Fry Flyer, which includes the Fish Fry Ticket Order Form. You may also find Fish Fry Flyers around the church!