Please help us provide presents for those in need this Advent season. Tags bearing the ages and gift suggestions for gift recipients will be on the tree in the church vestibule
starting the weekend of November 27-28. Tags will also be available in the School Office for non-parishioners and may be sent home with school children.
If you're unable to pick up a tag from the tree in the church vestibule or the School Office, we can also email or mail your tag to you. To have it sent to you, please fill out the
Advent Giving Tree Tag Request Form. If you'd like it mailed to you through the postal service, please fill out the form by Thursday, December 2.
-Select as many tags as you like from the tree.
- Purchase the item listed on the tag.
-Return the gift in one of 2 ways:
At any of the Masses by Sunday, December 5. Please place all wrapped gifts in the Baptistery in the back of the church.
To the School Office by Wednesday, December 8.
Delivery is scheduled for Saturday, December 11, at 9:00am in the Church Meeting Room (under the bell tower). If you are able to volunteer your time for delivery, simply show up that day. If you have any questions please contact Kim DeBoe at
[email protected].