Panel from Maestà Altar Piece in Siena Cathedral, Duccio, 1311.
1st Reading 1Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a
Responsorial Psalm Ps 23: 1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6.
Reading 2 Eph 5:8-14
Gospel Jn 9:1-41
In peace let us pray to the Lord… Lord, hear our prayer.
For the Church. May she stand before the world as a light and beacon of hope, leading people away from sin and darkness, let us pray to the Lord… Lord, hear our prayer.
For the grace of forgiveness in nations where sin has caused deep wounds. May the Lord’s divine power heal and restore them to peace, let us pray to the Lord… Lord, hear our prayer.
For the Elect and all preparing for the Easter Sacraments. May God’s grace remove the blindness of sin and guide them into the light of Christ, let us pray to the Lord… Lord, hear our prayer.
For our parish community. May we live as children of light, producing in our lives every kind of goodness in righteousness and truth, let us pray to the Lord…
For all who suffer and are passing through a dark valley. May Jesus, the good and gentle shepherd give them courage with the anointing of joy and grace, let us pray to the Lord… Lord, hear our prayer.
For those who have died. May they share in the glory promised by Christ to those who share in his cross and death, let us pray to the Lord… Lord, hear our prayer.
For the prayers in our book of intercessions, and for those prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts (pause 5 seconds), and for
4:15 Vigil Mass: John Bergan
8:15 am Mass: Michael and Gary Kaslo
10:30 am Mass: The People of the Parish
Let us pray to the Lord … Lord, hear our prayer.
In company with Mary, the Holy Mother of God, St. Anthony de Padua our patron, and all the angels and saints, in peace let us pray to the Lord …
Lord, hear our prayer.
St. Anthony de Padua: Pray for us!