We invite St. Anthony parishioners to a day of service at Our Lady of the Road on Sunday, November 10, from 7:30-11:30 A.M. Our Lady of the Road is a ministry led by the South Bend Catholic Worker community, which offers breakfast, laundry services, and a community space to people in need. Serving at Our Lady of the Road is a ministry of hospitality where volunteers prepare and serve food while greeting and welcoming the guests who come for breakfast. All are welcome; children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Click here to RSVP!
Next weekend, November 9th and 10th, we will welcome Bethlehem Wood Carving after each Mass. They will have olive wood religious items from the Holy Land for sale. Proceeds support the Catholic people, churches, and holy sites in the Holy Land. For more information, visit www.stmichaelolivewood.com.
All women of St. Anthony are invited to join Be the Light on Wednesday, November 5th for a friendly scrimmage against the St. Anthony Varsity volleyball team! We will meet in the gym at 6:00pm for the match and then conclude with ice cream sundaes afterwards. Not an athlete? We'll need cheerleaders, coaches, and fans too! RSVPs are helpful but not necessary; click here to RSVP!
All St. Anthony alumni are invited to attend our next monthly Alumni Mass on Sunday, November 3rd. Current students and recent alumni will serve as lectors, cantors, choir singers, ushers, and greeters. All alumni of Saint Anthony—young and old, recent and seasoned—are warmly invited to attend the 10:30am Mass, where they will receive a special blessing, and enjoy donuts and coffee afterwards.
Friday, November 1st is the Feast of All Saints. This is a holy day of obligation, on which Catholics must attend Mass and refrain from unnecessary work. We will have a Vigil Mass at 5:30pm on Thursday, October 31st, and Masses at 8:15am and 5:30pm on Friday, November 1st.
The Men of St. Anthony are hosting an All Souls Day Celebration on Saturday, November 2nd, immediately following the 4:15 PM Mass. We will have a reading in the church of the names of the departed and then we will continue our memorial at St. Joseph's Cemetery. Click here for more information!
We are offering a formation course to train Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I catechists. Level I formation prepares catechists to work with students in the 3-6 year old age range. Our course begins on November 2, and continues on one Saturday a month over the coming year. Click here for more information and to register!
All St. Anthony alumni are invited to attend our next monthly Alumni Mass on Sunday, November 3rd. Current students and recent alumni will serve as lectors, cantors, choir singers, ushers, and greeters. All alumni of Saint Anthony—young and old, recent and seasoned—are warmly invited to attend the 10:30am Mass, where they will receive a special blessing, and enjoy donuts and coffee afterwards.
It's that time of year again! The St. Anthony 8th grade class will host Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, November 8th from 4:30-7:00pm. Look for 8th grade students selling tickets after Masses the next few weekends, or plan to buy your tickets at the door. Dine in and carry out will be available!
All parish seniors are invited to attend the monthly Seniors’ Fellowship lunch on Thursday, October 24 in the Church Meeting Room starting at noon. Plan to join us for a casual sandwich lunch followed by social time visiting with fellow parishioners and/or playing Euchre or other table games. Click here for RSVP details.
Our new pantry was officially blessed and opened last Sunday! You can continue to support the work of our St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference by attending our next meeting this week. We will meet at 6:30pm on Tuesday, October 8th, in the Church Meeting Room. All are welcome! We are always seeking more people to help minister to our neighbors in need.
Join Deacon Brian Miller on Monday, October 14th at 7:00pm in the Church Meeting Room as he shows a brief video about the 3rd secret of Fatima. The video will be followed by a talk and discussion on what it means for our times.
Please join us after the 4:15pm Mass on Saturday, October 26th, for a parish potluck! We will gather in the Church Meeting Room to enjoy food and fellowship together. Click here to sign up to bring something! Notre Dame plays at noon on the 26th, so we won't miss any Irish football!
You are invited to donate to this year’s Annual Bishop’s Appeal, which funds roughly half of our diocesan operating budget. As Fr. Arthur reminded us, when we support the diocese, they are able to better support us! Click here to learn more and donate.
On Tuesday, October 1st, we will return to our usual schedule of Mass and Adoration in the church. We will no longer offer a 5:30pm Vigil Mass on Saturdays and there will be no liturgies in the Church Meeting Room.
We are excited to welcome all St. Anthony alumni to attend our monthly Alumni Masses, beginning on Sunday, October 6th, 2024. Current students and recent alumni will serve as lectors, cantors, choir singers, ushers, and greeters. All alumni of Saint Anthony—young and old, recent and seasoned—are warmly invited to attend the 10:30am Mass, where they will receive a special blessing, and enjoy donuts and coffee afterwards.
Fall training for Altar Servers is right around the corner! All current altar servers should plan to attend a training session on Saturday, September 28th at 10:15am. Are you interested in joining our altar server team at Saint Anthony? This training session is for new servers as well! Any interested students in 5th-12th grade are welcome. Please plan to attend, and sign-in with Andrew when you arrive.
Please pray for the sixteen young members of the St. Anthony community who will receive the sacrament of Confirmation this Saturday. May the Holy Spirit enkindle their hearts with love and wisdom as they continue to answer God's call in their lives.
We are excited to open the new St. Vincent de Paul Society food pantry on our campus! Grocery bags will be handed out after Masses next weekend; Please help us stock the new shelves by returning the bags with non-perishable items to Masses on September 28th and 29th. Then, after the 10:30am Mass on September 29th, we will officially open the pantry with a ribbon cutting and blessng! We hope you will join us. St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!