Baptisms are celebrated weekly (except during Lent) after the 4:15pm Saturday Mass and after the 10:30am Sunday Mass. Baptisms may also be celebrated during a weekend Mass. There are no baptisms during the Lenten Season.
Candidates for Baptism should be registered members of the parish for at least four months before beginning preparation for the sacrament or provide a letter from their former parish. Please contact the Parish Office at (574) 282-2308 to verify your registration at St. Anthony.
As we prepare for your child's baptism, we'd ask that you complete the Baptism Checklist, linked below. This will help us gather essential information for planning the baptism.
Once you have completed the Baptism Checklist, please email our parish administrator, Father Arthur Joseph Ssembajja at [email protected]. Let Father Arthur know that you have submitted the Baptism Checklist, and that you would like to schedule a baptism preparation meeting with him. Thank you!
Baptismal sponsors must be 16 years of age or older. At least one sponsor must be Catholic, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
If the Catholic sponsor does not belong to St. Anthony de Padua Catholic Church, a letter is needed from the sponsor's home parish stating that they are an active and practicing Catholic. Click the link below to download the Godparent/Sponsor Eligibility Form. The sponsor must print this form out and take it to his or her home parish for completion, and then return the form to the St. Anthony parish office.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for adults who are either:
These are received at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday evening. More information about RCIA may be found here.